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5 JavaSript GitHub Repositories for Interview Prep!📝

Pranav Birajdar

Pranav Birajdar

April 09, 2021

408 💖

I came to a bitter realization last week that most of my projects so far have been built using frameworks and a bunch of NPM packages. If someone were to ask me about closures or the event loop, I am sure they were trolling me since such things do not exist in JS land.

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Thus, I decided to spend most of this month, not on building another project but making sure that I know how JavaScript actually works under the hood. I have also decided to learn some fundamental computer science topics like Data Structures and Algorithms.

I have found the following resources to be extremely helpful during this journey of improving my core JavaScript fundamentals:

1. 33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

With almost 40k stars, I'm sure many of you already know of this amazing repo. However, I came across it just yesterday and I'm sure there are many who will find this useful.

Taking this article as an inspiration, this repo points to well-explained articles, blog posts, and videos about each JS topic.

2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

Alt Text Another amazing repo that presents JavaScript-based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures. Furthermore, each algorithm and data structure has related explanations and YouTube video links for further reading.

3. JavaScript Questions

This is an exhaustive list of example-based JavaScipt questions that will help test your core knowledge of JavaScript, refresh your knowledge a bit, or prepare for your coding interview!

Alt Text Lydia, the repo owner has some thorough articles about the JS concepts on DEV, so do check those out as well!

4. You Don't Know JS

Alt Text Basically a holy grail for JS developers, this book series dives deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. Kyle Simpson, the author has made all the books available for free online.

5. Clean Code JavaScript

Not necessarily interview-related, this repo is based on Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code, adapted for JavaScript. It's a guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in JavaScript.

It has tons of useful examples and can be handy for pair-programming or take-home challenges.

These are the repositories I am currently using for my JS re-education. Please comment below if you have found any other resources to be more helpful and I will add them in a different post.

Hope this was helpful. Happy coding! 👩‍💻🚀👨‍💻

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